
EPA: Chartered SAB to review biogenic framework

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By Erin Voegele

March 01, 2016


The U.S. EPA has scheduled a public meeting of the chartered Science Advisory Board March 31-April 1. During the meeting, the SAB is expected to conduct a quality review of a draft report on the accounting framework for biogenic carbon emissions.

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The U.S. Department of Energy has announced an open meeting of its Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee is scheduled for March 8-9 in Arlington, Virginia.

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In February, U.K.-based NERA Economic Consulting and Imperial College prepared an analysis for Drax that makes the case for allowing biomass conversion to compete for contracts for difference (CfD).

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U.K.-based National Trust has announced its first completed Renewable Energy Investment Programme project, Upton House, Warwickshire, has made the switch from oil to a renewable energy heating system.

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Best regions for growing bioenergy crops identified

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By University of Illinois

February 26, 2016

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have identified regions in the United States where bioenergy crops would grow best while minimizing effects on water quantity and quality.

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The Biomass Research and Development Board, an interagency collaboration composed of senior decision-makers from federal agencies and the White House, recently published a report, titled “Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy.�

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Despite a tough year influenced by severe deterioration of the commodities market and a challenging regulatory environment, Drax had a very good operational year and stands ready to convert more units to biomass, said CEO Dorothy Thompson.

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Risk Abated

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By Tim Portz

February 25, 2016

Risk drives project developers to more carefully consider every aspect of a project, identify potential problems within it, and develop and deploy measures to protect against them whenever possible.

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A report released to the European Union Directorate-General for Energy, titled “Carbon impacts of biomass consumed in the EU: quantitative assessment,� confirms using bioenergy has significant carbon savings and can reduce greenhouse emissions.

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On Feb. 22, Sweden-based RusForest released preliminary fourth quarter results, announcing its 30,000-ton-per-year pellet mill in in Magistralny, Russia, began operations during the final quarter of last year.

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Despite a challenging quarter that saw a 10 percent decrease in net sales, Astec Industries President and CEO Benjamin Brock said the future of Astec is bright, and highlighted pellet plant quoting as an active area in its business.

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FutureMetrics published a white paper on why opponents to the Clean Power Plan should change their minds. Amongst the reasons is a demonstration why cofiring industrial wood pellets with coal should be part of a plan to a more decarbonized future.

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Challenging market conditions and the realities of bringing large production facilities to nameplate capacity are thinning a once-crowded pellet project development herd.

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Preventing Pellet Plant Failures

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By John Swaan

February 23, 2016

The apparent simplicity of making wood pellets has and continues to cause many project developers to fail to incorporate the knowledge, skills and wisdom gained from experience into the plant designs and operations protocols.

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Utilizing Urban Wood Waste

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By Meghan Martin

February 22, 2016

As efforts to conserve and recycle natural resources increase, urban wood waste utilization projects are becoming more popular in cities across the U.S.

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On Feb. 18, subsidiaries of German Pellets associated with its Louisiana-based pellet plant filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy petitions with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Louisiana.

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Despite challenging market conditions in the broader energy sector, Enviva LP completed 2015 with continued strong operating performance, said Chairman and CEO John Keppler during the company's Q4 2015 and year-end financial earnings call.

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Biomass Magazine recently launched registration for the International Biomass Conference & Expo tour sites; one of the destinations is Blue Sphere Corp.'s new 5.2-MW biogas plant in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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On Feb. 18, Pellet Fuels Institute hosted a webinar on its standards program, with information tailored to pellet retailers in order to familiarize participants with the program and why it matters to customers.

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Legislation recently introduced in Rhode Island aims to extend the state's renewable energy standard (RES) through 2035. The program, originally established in 2014, currently ramps up renewable energy use through 2020.

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Forest Fuels acquires Lakes Biomass

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By Forest Fuels

February 18, 2016

U.K.-based Forest Fuels has broadened its network of high-quality local wood-fuel-distribution depots by purchasing established Cumbrian operator Lakes Biomass, which delivers kiln-dried logs, kindling, woodchip, and pellets to customers.

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The U.S. EPA's Science Advisory Board is continuing its work to complete a biogenic carbon emissions framework. On Feb. 8, the SAB's Biogenic Carbon Emissions Panel posted an updated draft report to the EPA's website.

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U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change recently published reports demonstrating over 80 percent of applicants to the renewable heat incentive are satisfied with their new systems, such as biomass boilers, to promote renewable heat generation.

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On Feb. 11, the House Committee on Agriculture held a hearing on U.S. EPA policies that impact the rural economy. The renewable fuel standard (RFS) and Clean Power Plan were among the programs discussed during the nearly three-hour event.

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North American pellet exports increased during the third quarter

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By North American Wood Fiber Review

February 11, 2016

North American overseas pellet exports increased for the second consecutive quarter in the third quarter of 2015, rising 15 percent from the previous quarter to reach a new record high of just over 1.6 million tons.

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U.K.-based Active Energy Group Plc recently announced the launch of its AEG CoalSwitch division. According to the company, its AEG CoalSwitch technology creates a biomass-based drop-in replacement for coal.

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On Feb. 11, German Pellets GmbH announced a German court has appointed a provisional insolvency administrator with regard to insolvency proceedings that have been initiated against the assets of the company.

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BBI International has announced the agenda for the industry tour taking place April 14 at the ninth annual International Biomass Conference & Expo . This tour will provide an in-depth look at the biogas industry in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the February edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting total renewables used in the electric power sector will increase by 8.1 percent this year.

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On Feb. 9, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a request to delay enforcement of the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan until legal challenges are resolved.

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