
NDC Technologies delivers moisture measurement system to Zilkha

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By NDC Technologies

January 20, 2016

NDC Technologies has delivered a comprehensive, in-process near-infrared (NIR) moisture monitoring system to one of the world's largest producers of advanced black pellet fuel, Zilkha Biomass Energy.

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Just over a month ago, I wrote a blog on how oil had dipped below $36 per barrel, and speculated a little on its implications to the wood pellet and wood-using energy industries.

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the January edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting total renewables used in the electric power sector will increase by 9.5 percent this year.

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On Jan. 12, FutureMetrics released a white paper author John Swaan said could be called "wood pellet making 101." The paper highlights several critical areas in the process of making wood pellets.

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On Jan. 8, RWE Supply and Trading announced it has sold the Lynemouth Power Ltd., the operator of the U.K.-based Lynemouth Power Station, to EP UK Investments Ltd. (EP UK), a subsidiary of Czech utility company Energeticky a prumyslovy holding (EPH).

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Agenda for technical sessions announced for 2016 IBCE

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By BBI International

January 12, 2016


BBI International announced the agenda for the technical sessions of the 9th annual International Biomass Conference & Expo, North America's largest and fastest growing biomass conference, taking place April 11-14 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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In mid-December, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who is seeking the democratic presidential nomination, introduced legislation that aims to enact long-term extensions of several clean energy tax credits that benefit the bioenergy and biofuel sectors.

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The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess whether the U.K.'s plans to support the conversion of part of the Drax coal power plant to operate on biomass are in line with European Union state aid rules.

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The U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change has released third quarter energy statistics, reporting total energy production increased by 11.9 percent when compared to the prior year. The share of renewables also increased.

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Energy markets have always been a low-margin game, but current conditions leave producers little margin for error. Thoughtful, well considered operations and maintenance strategies may well be the surest path to profitability.

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The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations recently published updated data on the global wood products industry that shows wood pellet production set a new record in 2014, growing by approximately 17 percent.

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The University of Northern Iowa's Tallgrass Prairie Center recently released a final report for its Prairie Power Project, which studied biomass production of four different native species seed mixes over three different soil types for five years.

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Current market conditions for pellets may be challenging, but in a world that needs to lower the net CO2 added to the atmosphere, the future for pellets is bright.

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The Untold Upside of Low Oil Prices

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By Ron Kotrba

December 27, 2015

Alternative energy companies typically prosper when oil prices are high, but it's not all doom and gloom when the cost of crude nosedives.

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Biomass Gets Budget Boost

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By Neil Harrison

December 26, 2015

Now that we know the RHI is being continued, and with a budget that will allow the entry of many thousands of new projects, there is some certainty in the U.K. biomass heat sector for the foreseeable future.

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A few years ago, Viridis Energy resurrected the former Enligna Canada Inc. pellet mill and renamed it Scotia Atlantic Biomass Co. The operation occupies a 157-acre property, inhabiting 20 operating buildings with an additional 22-acre wood lot.

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I write this blog fresh off of the March Biomass Magazine planning meeting. The theme that month is project development and plant construction, one of my favorite themes, and arguably one of the most important issues of the year.

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On Dec. 21, FutureMetrics released a new dashboard, which shows state specific information as it pertains to compliance with the Clean Power Plan and estimates pellet demand if some of the selected states' coal power stations cofire with pellets.

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The U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change has released renewable energy statistics for the second quarter of 2015, reporting that the renewables share of electricity generation was 25.3 percent during the quarter.

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As 2015 comes to a close, the Biomass Magazine staff has already been working on 2016 issues for a couple of months. Today, I'm going to share with you my personal favorites from each section.

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A report filed with the USDA's Global Agricultural Information Network addresses the Italian wood pellet market, noting Italy consumed 3.4 million tons of wood pellets last year. Consumption is expected to grow to 5 million metric tons in 2016.

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Enviva Partners recently announced it has acquired a 510,000-ton-per-year pellet plant located in Southampton County, Virginia. The facility was developed by its sponsor under a joint venture with affiliates of John Hancock Life Insurance Co.

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REA: UK supports high-carbon power at expense of renewables

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By U.K. Renewable Energy Association

December 11, 2015

The winners of the U.K.'s second Capacity Market Auction were released Dec. 11 and reveal the continued subsidization of polluting energy forms, side-tracking the renewable energy transition, according to the U.K. Renewable Energy Association.

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In January Biomass Magazine story “The Untold Upside of Low Oil Prices,� Senior Editor Ron Kotrba speaks to executives managing different renewable fuel facilities, and finds that it's not all doom-and-gloom when the cost of crude nosedives

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Next month, a textbook is scheduled for release, written to help designers create heating systems that incorporate renewable energy heat sources. Solid fuel boilers fueled by cordwood, chips and pellets are among the heat sources discussed.

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Enviva launches $5 million forest conservation fund

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By Enviva Holdings LP

December 10, 2015

Enviva Holdings LP recently announced it is establishing the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund, a $5 million, 10-year program designed to protect tens of thousands of acres of bottomland forests in northeast North Carolina and southeast Virginia.

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Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-Pa., recently introduce legislation that aims to prevent the Clean Power Plan for taking effect until countries accounting for at least 80 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions enact similar regulations.

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Visible progress has been made with the construction of the 41 MW Templeborough Biomass Power Plant located in Rotherham, England. The company has launched a website dedicated to the project, including a time lapse camera of developments on site.

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A new white paper published by FutureMetrics offers a critique of Climate Central's recent story "Pulp Fiction," a three-part special report by John Upton that criticizes the use of wood pellets.

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the December edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, providing updated predictions regarding the use of biomass in the electric power and home heating sectors.

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