
Biodiesel tax credit bill introduced in Nebraska

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By Erin Voegele

March 16, 2023

BusinessPolicyNorth America

Legislation recently introduced in the Nebraska legislature aims to create retail tax credit to support sales of biodiesel within the state. The bill was introduced in January and addressed during a March 1 legislative hearing.

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The U.S. EPA on March 16 released updated data showing that one small refinery exemption (SRE) petition has been filed under the RFS over the past month. A total of 25 SRE petitions are now pending, up from 24 that were pending as of mid-February.

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The U.S. EPA on March 16 released data showing that nearly 1.72 billion renewable identification number (RINs) were generated under the Renewable Fuel Standard in February, up from 1.54 billion generated during the same month of 2022.

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In comments submitted to CARB on March 15 following the latest LCFS workshop, Growth Energy highlighted the growing environmental benefits of bioethanol, in particular the steady decline in bioethanol's average carbon intensity (CI).

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U.S. Grains Council staff and representatives from the Illinois Corn Marketing Board joined Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., in Tokyo in late February to discuss Japan's committment to double ethanol consumption by 2030.

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Members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives on March 14 reintroduced the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act, which aims to implement a permanent, nationwide solution to allow year-round E15 sales.

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Legislation currently pending in Minnesota aims to establish a clean transportation standard that would require the state's transportation fuels to achieve 100 percent reduction in carbon intensity (CI) by 2050.

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Legislation currently pending in Minnesota aims to establish a clean transportation standard that would require the state's transportation fuels to achieve 100 percent reduction in carbon intensity (CI) by 2050.

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Americans strongly support expanded use of lower-cost, lower-carbon renewable fuels like ethanol, want greater access to higher ethanol blends, and strongly oppose policies that remove options at the gas pump or the auto dealership.

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The USDA on March 8 kicked off the inaugural National Biobased Products Day and highlighted the accomplishments of people and organizations working to improve sustainability within the federal government.

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On the inaugural National Biobased Products Day, the Agriculture Energy Coalition released a letter to Senate and House Agriculture Committee leaders urging them to preserve funding for Farm Bill energy title programs.

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The USDA on March 8 kicked off the inaugural National Biobased Products Day and highlighted the accomplishments of people and organizations working to improve sustainability within the federal government.

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On the inaugural National Biobased Products Day, the Agriculture Energy Coalition released a letter to Senate and House Agriculture Committee leaders urging them to preserve funding for Farm Bill energy title programs.

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The attorneys general of Iowa and Nebraska on March 6 notified U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan of their intent to sue the agency over its illegal delay in issuing regulations to allow year-round sales of E15 within their states.

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The RFA and Growth Energy have praised many elements included in the U.S. EPA's Third Triennial Report to Congress on the environmental impacts of the RFS, but are calling on the agency to make several important improvements to the report.

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The Washington State Senate on March 1 voted 46 to 2 in favor of a bill that aims to encourage the manufacture and purchase of SAF though tax incentives. The bill also directs WSU to convene a workgroup to further development of alternative jet fuel.

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The U.S. EPA will hold a virtual public hearing on March 21 to gather comments on its proposed rule that aims to allow year-round sales of E15 in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin starting in 2024.

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The Washington State Senate on March 1 voted 46 to 2 in favor of a bill that aims to encourage the manufacture and purchase of SAF though tax incentives. The bill also directs WSU to convene a workgroup to further development of alternative jet fuel.

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Reynolds receives RFA award, addresses NEC

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By Office of Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds

March 03, 2023

On March 2, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds received the RFA's All-Industry Award and addressed the National Ethanol Conference, where she announced plans to request an emergency waiver allowing E15 sales this summer.

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Iowa awards $1.1 million in renewable fuels infrastructure grants

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By Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

March 03, 2023

Twenty-three Iowa locations in 16 different counties were awarded more than $1.1 million in cost-share grants from the Iowa Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program during the latest quarterly application cycle.

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Growth Energy on March 3 hailed a final rule by the Arizona Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures Services Division to allow the sale of E15 in the greater Phoenix area under the state's Clean Burning Gasoline program.

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Twenty-three Iowa locations in 16 different counties were awarded more than $1.1 million in cost-share grants from the Iowa Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program during the latest quarterly application cycle.

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A new analysis from a renowned carbon accounting firm finds that the greenhouse gas emissions reductions achieved under the Renewable Fuel Standard far exceed the GHG savings originally projected by U.S. EPA.

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The U.S. EPA on in February approved an efficient producer pathway for Green Plains Inc.'s 60 MMgy ethanol plant located in Superior, Iowa. The approval allows the facility to generate RINs for non-grandfathered volumes of ethanol.

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The U.S. EPA on March 1 released a proposed rule that aims to allow year-round sales of E15 in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin beginning on April 28, 2024.

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The innate persistence of the U.S. ethanol industry and its champions can drive renewable fuels to new heights in 2023, RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper said in his annual “State of the Industry� presentation at the NEC.

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The RFA released its 2023 Ethanol Industry Outlook and Pocket Guide during the 28th annual National Ethanol Conference in Orlando. The annual publications serve as the go-to source of ethanol industry information, facts, and statistics.

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Adding low-cost ethanol to the nation's gasoline supply improves energy security and saves the average American household more than $750 per year, according to a new study conducted by energy economists from the University of California-Berkeley.

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On Feb. 2, 2023, the National Customs Service of Ecuador (SENAE) officially ruled in favor of the domestic feed industry's request for a value added tax (VAT) exemption for distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS).

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RFA: EPA's Triennial Report on RFS needs refinement

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By Renewable Fuels Association

February 24, 2023

The U.S. EPA's Third Triennial Report to Congress on the environmental impacts of the RFS is still a work in progress that needs to be vetted carefully and refined, the RFA noted in comments during a peer review meeting Feb. 24.

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