
US ethanol industry advocates for certainty in Canadian fuel regs

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By U.S. Grains Council

February 23, 2023


USGC staff and Ethanol Advisory Team members traveled to Ottawa, Canada, from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2023, to meet with Canadian government officials and private stakeholders to discuss details related to the Canadian Clean Fuel Regulation.

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Rep. Randy Feenstra, R-Iowa, in February reintroduced three bills that aim to support the U.S. biofuels industry by comparing the costs of EV and FFV fleets, supporting R&D for SAF, and supporting the development of biofuel fuel cells.

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Rep. Randy Feenstra, R-Iowa, in February reintroduced three bills that aim to support the U.S. biofuels industry by comparing the costs of EV and FFV fleets, supporting R&D for SAF, and supporting the development of biofuel fuel cells.

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The use of science-based, consistent and transparent lifecycle analysis methods will be crucially important in implementing the SAF tax credit under the Inflation Reduction Act, the RFA said in comments to the U.S. Department of Treasury.

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The USDA's Economic Research Service on Feb. 7 published a report discussing its analysis of U.S. Energy Information Administration data and predicting possible domestic and global demand for ethanol through 2030.

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The government of Japan on Feb. 1 issued proposed biofuel standards for 2023-2027 that address both ethanol and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). A public comment period is open through March 2, with the new standards scheduled to take effect April 1.

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A bill introduced in the Iowa legislature on Feb. 20 aims to implement new requirements for the development of carbon dioxide pipelines within the state. The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association has spoken out against the legislation.

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Christianson PLLP on Feb. 21 announced that the U.S. EPA has approved its Quality Assurance Program (QAP) protocol for biodiesel and renewable diesel producers participating in the Renewable Fuel Standard.

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Growth Energy is urging the IRS to rely on the most accurate and up-to-date lifecycle analysis (LCA) approaches in order to make the most of the 40B and 45Z tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act.

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The U.S. Government Accountability Office on Feb. 9 issued a determination that states the U.S. EPA's June 2022 denial of 69 SREs under the RFS is not a rule, and therefore is not subject to the requirements of the Congressional Review Act.

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The U.S. EPA on Feb. 16 released data showing that two SRE petitions have been filed under the RFS over the past month. A total of 24 SRE petitions are now pending, up from 22 that were pending as of mid-January.

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The U.S. EPA has released data showing more than 1.75 billion renewable identification number (RINs) were generated under the Renewable Fuel Standard in January, up from 1.59 billion that were generated during the same month of 2022.

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The U.S. Government Accountability Office on Feb. 9 issued a determination that states the U.S. EPA's June 2022 denial of 69 SREs under the RFS is not a rule, and therefore is not subject to the requirements of the Congressional Review Act.

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The U.S. EPA on Feb. 16 released data showing that two SRE petitions have been filed under the RFS over the past month. A total of 24 SRE petitions are now pending, up from 22 that were pending as of mid-January.

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The U.S. EPA has released data showing more than 1.75 billion renewable identification number (RINs) were generated under the Renewable Fuel Standard in January, up from 1.59 billion that were generated during the same month of 2022.

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The Renewable Fuels Association CEO said a national Clean Fuel Program will need to be carefully designed in a way that avoids picking technology winners and losers and drives the greatest GHG emissions reductions at the lowest cost.

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Iowa ag secretary calls on EPA to protect RFS in final rule

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By Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

February 14, 2023

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding its proposed rulemaking and volume obligations for the Renewable Fuel Standard for 2023, 2024 and 2025.

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With its D.C. fly-in happening at the end of March, the American Coalition for Ethanol's CEO is optimistic about the industry's ability to make progress on higher ethanol blends, both E15 and E85, and laser focused on making it happen.

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Urging the EPA to meet its mid-June deadline for a final rule, and voicing some concerns, trade groups mostly praised the EPA's proposal, which has an implied conventional biofuel requirement over 15 billion gallons, a multi-year Set rule and more.

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A bipartisan group of 31 federal lawmakers are urging the Biden administration to “swiftly and diligently� take action on a petition filed by a coalition of Midwest governors in April 2022 seeking a permanent solution to year-round E15 sales.

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RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper has been invited to testify at a hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. The hearing will address considerations for a potential national clean fuels program.

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The U.S. Department of Energy announced $25.5 million in funding to enable the sustainable use of domestic biomass and waste resources, such as agricultural residues and algae, to produce low-carbon biofuels and bioproducts.

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Summit Carbon Solutions' proposed carbon capture, transportation, and storage project continues to advance through the regulatory process as the North Dakota Public Service Commission on Feb. 1 issued an order establishing hearing dates.

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The U.S. Department of Energy on Jan. 30 awarded $131 million for 33 carbon management projects. At least four of the funded projects specifically address carbon capture related to bioenergy and biofuels.

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The U.S. Department of Energy announced $25.5 million in funding to enable the sustainable use of domestic biomass and waste resources, such as agricultural residues and algae, to produce low-carbon biofuels and bioproducts.

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Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy, issued a statement in advance of President Biden's 2023 State of the Union address urging the White House to renew its focus on ongoing efforts to accelerate progress under the RFS and expand E15 availability.

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During his state of the industry address at the 2023 Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association Executive Director Monte Shaw said that the Iowa biofuels industry is “energized, but a little bit angry.�

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Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker on Feb. 3 signed the Invest in Illinois Act. The legislative package, in part, creates a $1.50 per gallon sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) purchase tax credit to support the supply and use of SAF within the state.

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Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker on Feb. 3 signed the Invest in Illinois Act. The legislative package, in part, creates a $1.50 per gallon sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) purchase tax credit to support the supply and use of SAF within the state.

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The government of the Philippines is currently studying the possibility of allowing the use of gasoline blends containing up to 20 percent ethanol, according to a report filed with the USDA FAS Global Agricultural Information Network.

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