
Missouri governor signs bill with ethanol, biodiesel tax credits

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By Erin Voegele

October 05, 2022

BusinessPolicyDistributionNorth America

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson on Oct. 5 signed House Bill 3, which creates state retail tax credits to support the sale of ethanol and biodiesel blends. The legislation also creates a tax credit to benefit biodiesel producers.

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Isabelle Ausdal, USGC manager of global ethanol policy and economics, traveled to Sweden to attend the International Energy Agency Bioenergy Task 39 “Biofuels to Decarbonize Transport� fourth business meeting and Advanced Biofuels Conference.

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Carbon America on Oct. 4 announced an agreement with Bridgeport Ethanol LLC to develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project at the company's 53 MMgy ethanol plant in Nebraska. The project is currently expected to be operational in 2024.

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Growth Energy, the RFA and Clean Fuels Alliance America have filed motions in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Colombia Circuit to intervene in support of the U.S. EPA's rule to set 2020, 2021 and 2022 RFS RVOs.

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Growth Energy, the RFA and Clean Fuels Alliance America have filed motions in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Colombia Circuit to intervene in support of the U.S. EPA's rule to set 2020, 2021 and 2022 RFS RVOs.

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Minnesota awards $6.4 million in biofuel infrastructure grants

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By Minnesota Department of Agriculture

September 30, 2022

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has awarded $6.4 million to 44 projects under its Agricultural Growth, Research, and Innovation Biofuels Infrastructure Grant Program. The awards will help service stations offer higher blends of ethanol.

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The U.S. EPA on Sept. 28 released updated guidance that describes three additional ways ethanol plants that co-process corn kernel fiber and corn starch can demonstrate the resulting volume of cellulosic biofuel produced.

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CoBank on Sept. 27 published a report that calls renewable diesel the most exciting growth opportunity in the U.S. biofuels space, with proposed capacity increasing from approximately 1 billion gallons in 2021 to 6.5 billion gallons by 2030.

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The U.S. Department of Energy is opening a public comment period on its Clean Hydrogen Production Standard draft guidance. Ethanol and biomass are among the sources of hydrogen production addressed in the draft guidance document.

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The USGC and USDA in September hosted a team of Brazilian government officials. The engagement was arranged to help the Brazilian team better understand U.S. ethanol industry certification programs, logistics and operational practices.

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The Canadian government is seeking proposals for projects that will support the establishment of biomass supply chains to ensure that a steady and usable supply of sustainable feedstock is available to clean fuel production facilities.

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Tidewater Renewables Ltd. has announced an agreement to sell Federal Clean Fuel Regulation (CFR) credits that it will receive through the production and sale of fuel produced at the renewable diesel and renewable hydrogen complex at Prince George.

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U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm on Sept. 23 announced the release of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge Roadmap, a comprehensive plan that outlines a government-wide strategy for scaling up new technologies to produce SAF.

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U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm on Sept. 23 announced the release of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge Roadmap, a comprehensive plan that outlines a government-wide strategy for scaling up new technologies to produce SAF.

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Representatives of Growth Energy, the National Corn Growers Association, Renewable Fuels Association and Clean Fuels Alliance America on Sept. 22 discussed the U.S. EPA's upcoming RFS “set� rule during a virtual briefing held by Fuels America.

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Representatives of Growth Energy, the National Corn Growers Association, Renewable Fuels Association and Clean Fuels Alliance America on Sept. 22 discussed the U.S. EPA's upcoming RFS “set� rule during a virtual briefing held by Fuels America.

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Growth Energy Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Chris Bliley testified before the Michigan State House Committee on Tax Policy in support of SB814, legislation that would establish a retailer tax incentive for higher ethanol blends.

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Ethanol Producer Magazine's Katie Schroeder previews the features in the October issue, which include corn fiber ethanol measurement, CARB's latest LCFS scoping plan, how plants are managing supply chain issues and maintaining corn quality assurance.

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Report: Design of RFS limits incentives for E85

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By Agricultural & Applied Economics Association

September 20, 2022

The nested design of the RFS is limiting incentives for blenders to sell higher blends of ethanol and has instead resulted in increasing blending of biodiesel to comply with the program, according to a report by Madhu Khanna, past president of AAEA.

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China's biodiesel production in 2022 is expected to increase by 32 percent when compared to 2021 due primarily to a surge in export demand, according to a report filed with the USDA FAS Global Agricultural Information Network.

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The U.S. EPA on Sept. 19 delivered a final rule to create canola oil fuel pathways under the RFS for renewable diesel, jet fuel naphtha, liquified petroleum gas (LPG) and heating oil to the White House Office of Management and Budget.

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Within Clear Sight

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By Katie Schroeder

September 19, 2022

The California Air Resources Board is working on its latest scoping plan, which could potentially intensify Low Carbon Fuel Standard targets and boost ethanol use in state—especially if E15 gets approved.

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Gevo Inc. on Sept. 19 announced that the USDA has selected the company's Climate-Smart Farm to Flight proposal for funding with an award ceiling of up to $30 million. The award was made under the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program.

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CropEnergies AG is considering reducing production at its ethanol plants in response to rising production costs. The company is also branching out with recent acquisitions of renewable energy and biobased chemical companies.

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A diverse group of clean fuel stakeholders, including several biofuel producers, on Sept. 19 launched the DriveClean initiative, which is urging lawmakers to create a market-based technology-neutral national Clean Fuel Standard.

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A diverse group of clean fuel stakeholders, including several biofuel producers, on Sept. 19 launched the DriveClean initiative, which is urging lawmakers to create a market-based technology-neutral national Clean Fuel Standard.

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With the marketing year soon drawing to a close, the U.S. has exported nearly 1.3 billion gallons of ethanol, up over 20% year-over-year, and total exports are up in nearly every top market.

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The U.S. Grains Council and the Environment and Development Foundation held the second low carbon fuels (LCFs) seminar, part of a series on the global trend to integrate low carbon gasoline as a pathway to net-zero emissions.

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CFDC: Ethanol's clean octane key to EPA particulate rule

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By Clean Fuels Development Coalition

September 16, 2022

In a detailed letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Fuels Development Coalition called on the agency to use its existing authority to reduce toxic aromatics in gasoline as required by the Clean Air Act.

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The IRA's biofuels and agriculture provisions will create long-term investment certainty and stimulate remarkable technology innovation. Ultimately, the legislation will help U.S. ethanol producers achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

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