
10 MMgy biodiesel plant in Delaware going to auction Nov. 13

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By Maas Companies

September 24, 2019

BusinessProductionNorth America

Maas Companies of Rochester, Minnesota, will auction Chesapeake Green Fuels' 10 MMgy biodiesel plant in Clayton, Delaware. The surplus assets will be sold via a sealed bid auction. The deadline for offers is Nov. 13 at 4:00 p.m. Central time.

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Western Dubuque Biodiesel, a 30 MMgy manufacturing plant in Farley, Iowa, has received recognition from the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration for achieving 1 million hours with zero lost-time accidents.

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Andrew Davison, founder of Cape Cod Biofuels, was presented an environmental merit award by the U.S. EPA Sept. 10 for his unique, circular biodiesel business model that improves the air and water and increases energy and community resilience.

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If plans proceed, this would be the first renewable diesel plant in Texas and would boost DGD's production to 1.1 billion gallons per year, solidifying its position as the largest U.S. renewable diesel producer and second largest in the world.

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The Port of Columbia County Commissioners approved in early September a long-term ground lease with Next Renewable Fuels for a 90-acre industrial site at Port Westward, Oregon, for an advanced green diesel production facility.

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During a Sept. 4 meeting at Palacio de Los López, Paraguayan President Mario Abdo Benítez received updates on the Omega Green project from developer ECB Group. The USD$800 million renewable diesel and SPK plant will be scaled at more than 300 MMgy.

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Renewable fuels and chemical manufacturer Gevo Inc. announced Sept. 4 that it has developed proprietary, breakthrough processes that convert either low-carbon isobutanol or low-value fusel oils, byproducts of fermentation, into renewable diesel.

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New England's largest biodiesel producer announced a 50 percent reduction in production for Q4, citing market conditions attributed to uncertainty resulting from congressional inaction on the biodiesel tax credit and EPA's gutting of the RFS.

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World Energy is closing three biodiesel plants in Georgia, Mississippi and Pennsylvania as a direct result of the Aug. 9 decision by Trump's EPA to grant 31 new small refinery waivers from the nation's Renewable Fuel Standard to oil companies.

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Production of hydrotreated vegetable oil in the EU has picked up pace since 2012. The key reason is the iLUC regulation introduced in 2015 permits biofuels from waste to be counted double. Also, pressure on feedstock prices has increased globally.

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Neste held a foundation stone ceremony July 31 to officially mark the €1.4 billion expansion of its renewable products production capacity in Singapore. Construction began early this year. The project is expected to come online in 2022.

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Global food company JBS announced it is building a new biodiesel plant in Brazil. JBS is investing approximately $48 million through Seara Alimentos to build and operate a biodiesel factory in Mafra. The plant will be operated by JBS Biodiesel.

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Renewable Energy Group Inc. is closing its 15 MMgy biodiesel plant in New Boston, Texas, which the company acquired in 2012. REG is closing the multifeedstock facility due to challenging business conditions and continued federal policy uncertainty.

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The former Australian Renewable Fuels plant in Barnawatha, Victoria, a 13.2 MMgy biodiesel facility, has restarted operations under the new ownership of Just Biodiesel Pty Ltd. ARF shut down the plant and filed bankruptcy more than three years ago.

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Atlantic Biodiesel Corp. recently closed on the sale of its Canadian biodiesel plant to Verbio Diesel Canada Corp. Ocean Park acted as exclusive financial advisor to Atlantic Biodiesel on the transaction. The deal was first announced in May.

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The U.S. Energy Information Administration is seeking a three-year extension with changes to its Petroleum Supply Reporting System. The proposed changes include those related to biofuels reporting. Comments are due July 24.

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Maas Companies will auction Global Fuels' 5 MMgy biodiesel plant located in Dexter, Missouri, July 23. The Global Fuels facility was built in 2007 and has since undergone a technology upgrade allowing use of feedstock with FFA content to 15 percent.

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After two years marked by a contrasted economic situation in all its business lines and a context that remained difficult at the start of 2018, the Avril Group recorded a notable recovery in its activities during the second half of the year.

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The Minnesota state legislature approved $5 million in funding for a Soy Innovation Campus in Crookston, Minnesota. Among other important attributes, the campus will feature Epitome Energy's 30 MMgy biodiesel production facility and crush plant.

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SkyNRG announced May 27 it will develop Europe's first dedicated sustainable aviation fuel production plant in Delfzijl, The Netherlands. The facility is being scaled to produce 100,000 metric tons of biojet fuel and 15,000 tons of bioLPG per year.

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French oil giant Total S.A. is just days away from startup at its La Mède biorefinery in the south of France. A representative of Total told Biodiesel Magazine that the HVO processing facility is on track to begin production in late May or June.

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A Canadian subsidiary of Germany-based Verbio Vereinigte BioEnergie AG signed a contract May 2 to purchase Atlantic Biodiesel Corp.'s biodiesel production facility in Welland, Ontario, Canada. The plant is the former Great Lakes Biodiesel facility.

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Velocys announced April 29 the successful close-out of its Envia joint venture. The project was used to demonstrate the company's Fischer-Tropsch gas-to-liquids technology. Operations at the plant were suspended in September 2018.

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Funding for a soybean crush and biodiesel plant in Crookston has passed a key hurdle in the Minnesota legislature. The proposed Soy Innovation Campus at the University of Minnesota Crookston will receive $5 million in funding as part of a new bill.

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As the U.S. biodiesel sector pushes forward in an unsupportive federal environment, producers like Pacific Biodiesel find it necessary to operate outside their norm to continue operations. Pacific Biodiesel is considering shipping fuel to California.

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BASF will increase the production capacity for its sodium methylate plant in Guaratinguetá, Brazil. The nameplate capacity will increase by 30 percent, from 60,000 metric tons to 80,000 metric tons. The new capacity will come online in 2020.

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A new study published in the academic journal Biomass and Bioenergy exposes the fatal methodological flaws and erroneous conclusions regarding biofuels and land use change (LUC) found in recent studies paid for by the National Wildlife Federation.

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Spotlighting the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, which championed the nation's first biodiesel mandate as a way to add value to surplus soybean oil, and RPS, whose co-located biodiesel process adds 12 cents a pound to ethanol producers' DCO.

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Applications are being accepted in Minnesota for the AGRI Bioenergy/Biochemical Pilot Project Grant to provide funding for advancing a bioenergy or biochemical production technology beyond bench or proof-of-concept scale toward commercial scale.

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The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council plans to co-locate its new Soy Innovation Campus with Epitome Energy LLC's proposed 30 MMgy biodiesel production and soybean crush facility in Northwest Minnesota, in the town of Crookston.

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