SOURCE: U.S. Grains Council
April 20, 2023
BY U.S. Grains Council
Calumet Inc. on Feb. 12 reported that the Trump administration has successfully completed the “tactical” review of the $1.44 billion DOE loan guarantee to support expanded SAF production its Montana Renewables facility.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Feb. 6 denied a request from the Trump administration to pause the SRE lawsuit currently pending before the court. The court is currently scheduled to hear oral arguments for the case on March 25.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration on Feb. 12 announced it would postpone a meeting of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee that was scheduled to take place that day.
The Clean Fuels Alliance Foundation has welcomed newly elected director Ezra Finkin to the Clean Fuels Alliance Foundation board of directors. Finkin is the director for corporate affairs and development with Chevron Renewable Energy Group.
Ginkgo Bioworks on Jan. 23 announced that Ginkgo Automation will design and deploy a flexible, anaerobic-enabled laboratory automation system for the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, a U.S. DOE-funded facility at UW–Madison.