
USDA: US biodiesel exports top 48,000 metric tons in July

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By Erin Voegele

September 03, 2020

DistributionProductionNorth America

The U.S. exported 48,053.8 metric tons of biodiesel and biodiesel blends of greater than B30 in July, down from 69,666.8 metric tons in June and 55,221.7 metric tons in July 2019, according to data released by the USDA FAS on Sept. 3.

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U.S. biodiesel production reached 151 million gallons in June, down slightly from the previous month but up when compared to the same month of last year, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Aug. 31.

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A report recently filed with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service's Global Agricultural Information Network provides insight into how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted ethanol and biodiesel producers in Canada.

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The U.S. EPA has released renewable identification number (RIN) data for July, reporting that 1.62 billion RINs were generated during the month under the Renewable Fuel Standard, up from 1.51 billion RINs generated in June.

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The U.S. Department of Energy published data on Aug. 24 showing that 1.9 billion gallons of biodiesel was produced in the U.S. in 2018. Facilities producing the fuel were located across 34 states.

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The Senate Democrats Climate Committee released a new report on Aug. 25 that details how climate action by Congress can create new jobs and grow the U.S. economy. Biofuels and bioenergy are among the topics discussed.

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Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds announced on Aug. 25 that the state is allocating approximately $100 million of federal CARES Act relief funds to seven ag programs to offset the impact of COVID-19. Approximately $22.5 million of that will support biofuels.

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The Brazilian government announced on Aug. 13 that the blend requirement for biodiesel sold at the pump will be temporarily lowered from 12 percent to 10 percent for the months of September and October.

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EIA: US biodiesel production largely unchanged since 2019

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By U.S. Energy Information Administration

August 19, 2020

U.S. biodiesel production has seen smaller reductions in recent months caused by the COVID-19 pandemic when compared with other transportation fuels, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration's Petroleum Supply Monthly.

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Phillips 66 announced Aug. 12 that it plans to reconfigure its San Francisco Refinery in Rodeo, California, to produce renewable fuels. The project would produce 680 million gallons annually of renewable diesel, gasoline and jet fuel.

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Velocys has completed manufacturing and delivery of four Fischer-Tropsch reactors to Red Rock Biofuels. Red Rock Biofuels plans to convert 136,000 tons of waste woody biomass into more than 15 MMgy of renewable diesel and SAF in Lakeview, Oregon.

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The U.S. DOE announced more than $97 million in funding for 33 projects that will support high-impact technology research and development to accelerate the bioeconomy. Some funding is going toward SAF and algae projects, to name a few.

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Biodiesel manufacturing in the U.S. hit 147 million gallons in May, four million gallons higher than April and four million gallons less than March. Use of soybean oil feedstock grew again, making up a 70 percent share of the feedstocks consumed.

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Neste announced July 23 that its renewable products business set a new quarterly sales volume record during the second quarter of this year. Nameplate production capacity for renewable diesel also increased during the quarter.

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Due to COVID-19-related market impacts, consumption of biodiesel and renewable diesel is expected to fall by 6 percent or approximately 301 million gallons in 2020, but the combined production volume of both is expected to remain relatively stable.

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Following a successful production trial of 100 percent renewable diesel in Dumai, Indonesia's state-owned oil company Pertamina is ready to scale up its investments in renewable diesel. Pertamina plans two new standalone units in Plaju and Cilacap.

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Chevron Lummus Global and Applied Research Associates Inc. announced the successful startup of Euglena Co. Ltd.'s integrated Biofuels Isoconversion unit in Yokohama, Japan. Its renewable diesel is being supplied to local bus services.

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Alan Mammoser, independent writer on renewable energy, interviews Karl Feilder, CEO of Dubai-based Neutral Fuels, on the role his biodiesel company and local business model play in the global transition to climate-friendly transportation fuels.

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A new, small-scale biodiesel project is being developed in Oman on the Arabian Peninsula, in the Khazaen Economic City. Wakud International, a joint venture involving U.K.-based Green Fuels, recently signed a lease on its new facilities.

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Petrobras announced July 14 that it has concluded industrial-scale tests for coprocessing renewable diesel. The tests were performed at the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery in Araucária, Paraná, where 2 million liters of soy oil were processed.

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Biodiesel Magazine spotlights the upcoming Biodiesel Production Technology Summit, Aug. 24-26 in Omaha, Nebraska, and Imerys' CynerSorb filterable adsorbent for pretreatment of low-quality feedstock.

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Ron Kotrba, editor in chief of Biodiesel Magazine, discusses the contents of the Summer 2020 print issue in his latest editor's note, particularly in context of the health crisis and overall biofuel policy environment in the U.S.

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Neste delivered its first batch of sustainable aviation fuel to San Francisco International Airport via pipeline. Biodiesel Magazine speaks with Jeremy Baines, president of Neste U.S., about the U.S. market and the company's plans for growth.

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Several U.S. biodiesel producers share their experiences during the height of the coronavirus crisis, painting a picture of the industry's health during these uncertain times.

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The U.S. DOE announced July 2 the selection of seven projects totaling $1.94 million to conduct research and development to accelerate the adoption of performance-advantaged biofuel blendstocks. These fuels are derived from renewable feedstocks.

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U.S. production of biodiesel fell by 8 million gallons in April as lockdowns amid the health crisis strengthened. Soybean oil feedstock use rose, however, while DCO and yellow grease consumption fell as ethanol producers and restaurants closed.

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Researchers at The Chinese University of Hong Kong have developed a novel method for extracting enzymes from bacteria, lowering production costs and improving enzyme stability. It also opens up a new avenue for the enzymatic production of biodiesel.

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Used cooking oil (UCO) from McDonald's Netherlands will be turned into renewable diesel by Neste, and then the fuel will be used to power HAVI trucks that both collect UCO from and deliver goods to McDonald's restaurants in the Netherlands.

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Neste launched a new research project to develop sustainable and globally scalable raw materials such as forestry or ag residues, MSW, algae and more, and technology solutions for transportation fuels and the production of chemicals and polymers.

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Global Clean Energy Holdings' Bakersfield Renewable Fuels project will produce approximately 230 MMgy of renewable diesel from GCEH's proprietary camelina oil and other renewable feedstocks using Haldor Topsoe's HydroFlex process technology.

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