
Adsorptive Purification: A Flexible Safety Net for a Demanding Market

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By David Brooks

March 12, 2013

ProductionNorth AmericaLatin AmericaEuropeAsia/PacificAfrica/Middle East

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The best path depends on the individual plant and who you ask

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A bourgeoning solution to illegal dumping of fats, oils and greases in Atlanta's sewers

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Helpful tips and procedures to get the most out of your ion exchange resin beads

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Channel Biorefinery & Terminals LLC purchased the longtime idled 105 MMgy GreenHunter Biofuels biodiesel production facility on the Houston Ship Channel last October, and now the firm plans to have the processing plant operational by this July.

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Eco Slide was developed at Extreme Biodiesel. Its primary, active component is glycerin. When sprayed on forms or trucks before loading with asphalt or concrete, it creates a slippery, Teflon-type effect on the construction material.

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Select FF improves oil throughput and is optimized for superior adsorbent flowability. A secondary benefit is effective removal of chlorophyll and color pigments. It also supports a higher flash point, lower cloud point and glycerin in B100.

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Incbio signed a contract with Biofuel Ltd. to supply an 8,000 metric ton per year (approximately 2.4 MMgy) biodiesel plant for installation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The companies expect the plant to be fully in place by sometime this summer.

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John G. Griffith, a Maui local returning to Hawaii after 30 years on the mainland, will be overseeing daily plant operations at the 5.5 MMgy Big Island Biodiesel plant to ensure optimal performance and adherence to standard operating procedures.

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