Doug Tiffany and Doug Durante, the respective winners of the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo's Award of Excellence and High-Octane Award, will deliver acceptance speeches at the virtual FEW on Sept. 16.
Gevo Inc. and Praj Industries Ltd. have announced that they have signed a binding, definitive master framework agreement to collaborate on providing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable premium gasoline in India and neighboring countries.
Neste announced July 23 that its renewable products business set a new quarterly sales volume record during the second quarter of this year. Nameplate production capacity for renewable diesel also increased during the quarter.
Following a successful production trial of 100 percent renewable diesel in Dumai, Indonesia's state-owned oil company Pertamina is ready to scale up its investments in renewable diesel. Pertamina plans two new standalone units in Plaju and Cilacap.
Chevron Lummus Global and Applied Research Associates Inc. announced the successful startup of Euglena Co. Ltd.'s integrated Biofuels Isoconversion unit in Yokohama, Japan. Its renewable diesel is being supplied to local bus services.
Neste delivered its first batch of sustainable aviation fuel to San Francisco International Airport via pipeline. Biodiesel Magazine speaks with Jeremy Baines, president of Neste U.S., about the U.S. market and the company's plans for growth.
Researchers at The Chinese University of Hong Kong have developed a novel method for extracting enzymes from bacteria, lowering production costs and improving enzyme stability. It also opens up a new avenue for the enzymatic production of biodiesel.
LanzaTech has launched LanzaJet, a new company to produce sustainable aviation fuel. Suncor Energy of Canada and Mitsui & Co. of Japan are investing a total of $25 million to establish the new venture. Jimmy Samartzis has joined as CEO of LanzaJet.
U.S. imports of biomass-based diesel grew 26 percent in 2019 to more than 27,000 barrels per day, ending two years in a row of decline. Imports increased in 2019 because of the increase in renewable diesel imports from Singapore.
The April FAO price index for vegetable oils slipped 7.2 points, or 5.2 percent, compared to the previous month, to 131.8 points. This was the lowest level since August 2019 and also the third decline in three months running.
Greasezilla developer Downey Ridge Environmental reports its installed base is expanding beyond its traditional wastewater treatment and grease trap waste hauling sectors and into biodiesel production, AD, food processing and water reclamation.
On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency is seeking input from stakeholders in Australia's bioenergy sector to underpin the development of the Bioenergy Roadmap.
BBI International has moved the 2020 International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo and co-located Biodiesel Production Technology Summit to Omaha Aug. 24-26 due to COVID-19. The events were originally scheduled to be held in Minneapolis this June.
According to International Grain Council expectations, another bumper crop in Brazil, a standard U.S. crop and production increases in smaller soy-producing countries are set to boost global soybean output to a new record high in 2020-'21.
Targeted email fraud known as spear phishing is costing businesses, including those in the biodiesel sector, billions of dollars. Learn what to watch for, and how to avoid falling victim to these scams.
The agreement between Gevo and Viva Energy will solidify both parties' intent to establish the technical and commercial feasibility of converting biomass into sustainable jet fuel and renewable gasoline from regionally sourced renewable resources.
Thai petroleum refining company and fuel retailer Bangchak has started selling B10 at its more than 400 service stations across Thailand. The company is promoting the biodiesel blend's performance, environmental and economic benefits to consumers.
The latest research from economic modeling experts at Purdue University shows the impacts of U.S. biofuel policy on deforestation in Southeast Asia are insignificant . The new research also confirms there is no shortage of feedstock or farmland.
President Trump signed the Phase One trade deal between the U.S. and China Jan. 15, a move expected to deescalate trade tensions between the two countries while reopening key markets for U.S. farmers. Chinese tariffs on U.S. soybeans remain in place.
Scientists at Tokyo Tech and Taiwan Tech developed a cheap, efficient, copper-based catalyst to convert glycerin into the high-value chemical dihydroxyacetone (DHA). In addition, this same process produces hydrogen molecules from water.
Celebrating 25 years, the Hawaii-based company that has built biodiesel plants across the U.S. and Japan has gone back to its roots, focusing on sustainability and local energy independence for the archipelago.
Global biodiesel, renewable diesel and coprocessed renewable diesel production reached 41 million metric tons in 2018, or roughly 12.3 billion gallons, according to UFOP. The EU's share was 34 percent, or approximately 4.2 billion gallons.
Sunway Hotels & Resorts, the hospitality division of Malaysian conglomerate Sunway Group, announced a partnership Nov. 12 with FatHopes Energy to recycle its used cooking oil into biodiesel. Six of Sunway's Malaysian properties are participating.
The Biodiesel Production Technology Summit will take place in Minneapolis June 15-17, 2020. Organized by BBI International and produced by Biodiesel Magazine, the event is a new forum for biomass-based diesel producers. Abstracts are being accepted.
Germany-based UFOP has drawn the conclusion that the preliminary antisubsidy duties of 8 to 18 percent on Indonesian biodiesel will not reduce imports of palm methyl esters. The organization calls on the EU Commission to impose higher tariffs.
The EU Commission recently decided to introduce temporary countervailing duties on biodiesel imports from Indonesia. Germany's UFOP warns that a slowdown of imports must not lead to European biodiesel producers using palm oil as feedstock instead.
Neste held a foundation stone ceremony July 31 to officially mark the €1.4 billion expansion of its renewable products production capacity in Singapore. Construction began early this year. The project is expected to come online in 2022.
The former Australian Renewable Fuels plant in Barnawatha, Victoria, a 13.2 MMgy biodiesel facility, has restarted operations under the new ownership of Just Biodiesel Pty Ltd. ARF shut down the plant and filed bankruptcy more than three years ago.
Gevo announced that Virgin Australia has used Gevo's sustainable aviation jet fuel to power 1 million kilometers of flights, for all aircraft operating in and out of Brisbane Airport when the fuel was put through the general fuel supply system.
BASF, The Estée Lauder Companies and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil are partnering with civil society organization Solidaridad to promote sustainable palm oil and palm derivatives production in the district of Waykanan, Lampung, Indonesia.